4 Things The Word Of God Can Do For You

Psalm 19:7, 199:1-end
The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. (Psalm 19;17)
Contrary to what the world may think or believe, God is still speaking and only those who are ready to listen can understand or hear what HE is saying.

Here are four out of the numerous things the words of GOD can do for you.

1. The word of GOD creates (Gen1;1, John 1:4)
The world was created by the spoken words of God which was made manifest in the flesh and dwelt among men. The words of GOD have not lost it creation power as it still creates even today. One word from GOD can turn your life around

2. The word of GOD Delivers (Psalm 19:13-14)
Only the word of GOD delivers totally. It set the captives free, heal the sick and even raise the dead. Time and time again, we see the words of GOD delivering the oppressed.

3. It gives knowledge (Psalm 19:11, 119:98-100)
The world may think that knowledge comes from age, but the best knowledge comes from the words of GOD. Let the words of GOD be the source of your inspiration.

4. It feeds the soul (Eze 3:1-3)
Only the words of GOD fills the vacuum in our soul. Man was created in a way that he needs to have a communion with the divine. Only the words of GOD can make a man fulfilled and complete.

Let the words of GOD be the standards for your life. Study it, ask questions and meditate on what you have studied, only then can you tap from the wealth of knowledge present in the words of God.

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