Story: THE MEETING episode 2

I opened the door to my room and fell straight on my bed. 'I saw the guy you were with at the motion ground, is he your boyfriend'?my roommate questioned me. 'Geez Sade...I just met him,he's my course mate'. 'Hmmmm,that's how you people will b saying...anyway he's cute'. 'Lol...I didn't notice that' I replied her. Ahah you're lying, any blind girl can see that he is cute'. 'Sade please am tired I just wanna sleep,ehn ehn what did u cook sef am hungry? 'Cook ke! I didn't cook o. I went out na. 'Where did you go to? Don't tell me you went out with that guy'. 'Yes I did. 'Sade!! I shouted that guy isn't someone you can date o'. 'Abeg, free me jare..wetin concern you',she hissed. 'Sorry o'. I said finally as I decided to drop the conversation and get some rest, I was really tired after today's lecture. 
'Stop jhoor, don't take it. 'She won't know its missing, let me take it'. I recognized the first voice as Sade's but the second voice was deep very deep it sounded like a male's voice, but what would a guy be doing in d room. I thought I was hallucinating cos I was still asleep but then I decided to open my eyes..'what's up girlfriend', Sade's voice greeted me as I opened my eyes. I turned and saw that a guy was in the room so I wasn't hallucinating after all. 'Oh this is George', Sade said smiling. 'George'? I asked, 'yea the guy I went out with this morning.....'oh sorry I didn't recognize you'. "Its nothing, I didn't recognize you too. You know we just met once'. He replied.  I studied his features, he wasn't good looking, I don't know why Sade is hanging out with him.' Yea true',I said. ' I love your gold watch, its really beautiful where did u get it? George asked. I turned to the stool where the gold watch was, looking at it brought back memories. 'It was a present I got on my last birthday' .' Oh! Its really nice,I would like to get something like it. I couldn't reply him, I just kept looking at the watch. 'Hmmm Anne, George and I are going out and we might be back tomorrow. Sade finally broke the silence. I quickly looked at her, I was surprised she would b spending a night with him! This girl no get sense at all chai. 'OK no problem I finally replied. I watched as they both left the room then I turned back to the gold watch. I got it on my last birthday from my Ex. I don't even wanna think about what we had together. He cheated on me with my friend. Well that was then and have moved on but I really loved the watch cos it made me feel like he was nearby. A knock at the door brought me back to reality. 'Who's that? I asked, 'its yemisi'. Yemisi is ouf next door neighbor and she's a jenifa's diary freak! I bet she came to tell me she just downloaded another episode. 'come in'. 'How is you'? She asked. 'You have started again with this jenifa stuff,what is it this time? I asked her. 'Just wanted to let you know I just downloaded another episode and I just bought some movies, would u like to watch? 'Sure! I was already bored. 'Wait, where's Sade?'. 'Lol, Sade! I replied shaking my head,'she's not around o. Can I sleepover at your place? 'Yes na, since we would be watching movies late into the night you can'. I quickly grabbed my blanket and locked the room.
'That will be all for today'. The lecturer said has he left the class. 'See this yeye man o! How does he expect us to find materials for this topic'. 'You better keep quiet if he hears you,you're done for'. Everybody started breaking up into small groups to talk about the topic that was given to us. I already started making friends in my department but I was still very close to Dayo, sometimes we read together and go out, not like a date or something. We are just friends at least for now, I don't wanna start thinking about any guy especially after what my Ex did to me. 'Annie, what's up. Dayo said as he walked up to me, I was about replying when he got a text message and told me he had something to do. We were supposed to hang out this afternoon but I guess something came up. I already decided to go home n probably watch a movie or hang out with my neighbors when I heard my name again. It was Toyosi. I didn't really like talking to her, she can be annoying at times and be very jovial. 'hey', I smiled I just wanted to be on her good side. 'I and a couple of girls here are going for a make up competition, a gal has to bring someone to put make up on, the best make up artist wins. I just wanted to know if u would be my face model' .she said and winked. 'It will take place this evening by 4.'I love make up and I saw this as an opportunity so I agreed. We would meet in front of the school and she will take us in her car. Oh, I forgot to mention that her parents were rich and she was the only child. She has lots of girls at her beck and call cos they wanted to be popular too. I decided to head home, rest and get ready for d competition.
At 3:30 I was ready to move out of the room and lock the door when I saw Sade. She was pretty messed up. She had a small bandage around her head and she was limping. 'OMG! Sade, what happened to you. I rushed to meet her. You said you were coming back the next day I didn't see you, I tried calling you twasn't going through. Why do you look like this?. I questioned her. 'Don't worry I'll be fine', she replied weakly. I led her back into the room, I was about asking her to explain what happened when Toyosi sent me a text message. ' Am almost at the school gate, will be expecting you'.it read. Sade I have to go now we will talk more when I get back. She nodded then I left the room. 15 minutes later I was in Toyosi's car and we were heading to the competition. 'The competition isn't really big its just a small thing, there will be prizes too'. Toyosi informed me. 'Oh that's great, I hope we win' I replied. 
On getting to the competition, we were directed to a big room where we met girls who were already working on their models face. It was our turn,Toyosi carefully explained how to apply the make up and guess what we won first place! We were given a make up kit as our prize. 'Let's go celebrate'. One of the girls who tagged along announced. 'Yea that's true, buy first I wanna get some things at the boutique, is that OK with you Anne?She said turning to me. 'Sure'. We  drove towards a very expensive boutique. We all got down and went it. I couldn't stop eyeing a black sleek dress, it was so beautiful I was drawn to it. I decided to check the price tag when I saw 10k. '10k! I exclaimed. 'Na wa o, I can't afford this dress and its beautiful. I murmured to myself.' You know, this dress will really look good on you. Why don't u buy it?' I turned to see Toyosi beside me, I didn't even know she was there. 'Lol, no thanks I can't afford it'. I replied shyly. 'Oh don't worry I'll pay for it,go into the dressing room and try it'.' Are you serious?' I asked. 'Yea sure, it's part of the celebration.
'Wow, this dress is really beautiful. Lara, one of the girls who followed us said. 'Yea it is' I took the dress off the hanger and was still admiring it. 'Would you like me to help you put it on? Lara  asked. 'Yes'. We both went inside the dressing room, I had to take off my watch to wear the dress. I was still admiring my dress in d mirror when Lara told me she had to leave. She said her boyfriend was waiting for her. I didn't really pay attention, I was still checking the dress out. I walked out of the dressing room to show the girls my dress. They all loved it. I went back in to change clothes so we could go. Then I noticed that my gold watch was missing. How was that possible? I dropped it on the table. I quickly ran out with my dress to inform Toyosi. 'Why is your face like you've seen a ghost?' Toyosi asked. 'My gold watch is missing'.!

Written by Oyindamola Junaid.

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