Story: THE MEETING episode 3

'Ahah, I can't sell it for 7k..its too small..abeg add three thousand'. 'Where did you get the watch from sef...its real gold'. Lol...don't you trust me? A friend gave me as a birthday gift but now I need money so I have to sell it'. 'Hmmmm....Lara I trust you,OK I will add 3k. Its because you're my customer o'. Thank u jare.' Lara exchanges the gold watch for 10k and leaves the shop in a hurry, she looks left and right as if she's been watched before she crossed the road and disappear into the dark.
Back in Anne's room, everyone is desperately looking for the gold watch. ' you guys shouldn't bother yourself, am sure I wore the gold watch out and I took it off when I was about to put on the dress, even Lara was aware of it'. 'Where's Lara sef...I haven't seen her since she followed you into the dressing room. Toyosi said. 'Yea,she said her boyfriend called her or something. Anne replied her. The girls searched the room once more before I told them the watch might have been stolen and told they could go home.
"Ehn be big gal o! I envy you. When did you start moving with Toyosi and co'. Sade said after the other gals left the room.' See its a long story, am tired and I don't wanna talk about it. Now start explaining. 'explaining what'? Sade pretended not to know what Anne was asking. 'Don't play games with me, am talking about your face. What happened, you look horrible'. After a while Sade decided to tell Anne how she got her injuries. After she and George left the room, they went partying, unfortunately a fight broke out between George's friends and another set of guys. During the course of the fight, Sade was hit on the head with a bottle. She was later taken to d hospital. 'So what was the cause of the fight'. Anne asked after listening to the story. 'Cult clash, I don't really knew what caused the fight but George told me not to worry that's its just a normal cult thing'. "Cult'. Anne shouted! ' Are you nuts? Or has a knot come loose in your brain? So George is a cult member, and you allowed him into our room! "What kind of person are you"? "Anne relax, George is really a nice guy if you get to know him. He's the leader of his group and he promised to protect us if we don't expose his secret. So please, what I just told you is between the two of us. 'So your gold watch is really missing hmm'. Sade questioned me. I knew she was trying to change the topic but I was too scared to reply. I hate cultist. Now my roommate just brought them to my doorstep. I knew I had to act fast if I wanted to stay out of trouble but how? 'Anne, you haven't answered my question'. Sade's voice brought me back to reality cos I had been deep in thought. 'Yea, its missing.' I think its stolen sef cos I remembered taking if off @ the boutique'. Sade opened the bag in which I put the dress in and took it out. Oh, before I forget. Sade is the greedy type, she loves money and loves to spend a lot. That's probably the reason why she's dating George.' You will borrow me this dress anytime George takes me out o, its really nice. Sade said as she tried to put My dress on. 'Ehn, wetin! Abeg no wear am o. If you want your own tell George to buy for  you. Don't spoil my dress for me. I said as I quickly dragged my dress from her and folded it in my box. 
Two months passed and exam was getting close. Dayo and I still went out together once in a while, as friends cos he now has a girlfriend, Lara. I really wished he had asked me out, but who knows he might not really feel the same way I feel about him.
"Hey girl. Toyosi called after me as I was entering the lecture room. Have been trying to lay low and avoid being friends with anyone. After the incident of my stolen watch and what Sade told me, have been trying to avoid people. Now that Toyosi just called me I know she's trying to ask why have been ignoring her. "Hy. I said trying to sound cheerful."You just stopped picking my calls and visiting me. Did I offend you?' I used to visit Toyosi on weekends when I am less busy. But then I discovered another thing. Her boyfriend is a cult member, he's a member of George's group. You're guessing how I found out right. Well there was this party Toyosi invited me to, and I met her bf.His name is Richard.. When we got to d party I found out that Toyosi's boyfriend was into drugs too....I remembered that I forgot my earpiece in his car so I went back to take it,then I saw him sniffing something. I went back inside and pretended I saw nothing. Then I saw Sade and George, I wanted they were the one so I went over to meet them. To cut the story short, Sade warned me to leave the party cos I could only b here by invitation. That George organized this party for his "close friends". That was when I put 1+1 together .It was Toyosi's boyfriend that invited us to d party,which could only mean one thing. He's a cult member. After the party I tried to avoid them all, Toyosi, Richard, George and Sade. Although Sade had already moved out of our room, she was now living with George.
"No, you didn't. You know exam is near and I have to read'. I replied her. I didn't want her to think I was avoiding her. 'So there's this party, before she could continue I had to tell her I couldn't attend. I didn't want anymore trouble. 'No. "What do you mean by no,you can't attend? But its my birthday and I really want you to b there,Please say yes'. See this gal o,She didn't even allow me to talk. Then I thought, its been long since I went anywhere, it wouldn't hurt to attend just one party. "Hmmm...OK I'll be there. When is it?" I finally said. "Saturday night, I'll send you the address, thanks for agreeing to come". She quickly hugged me and left the hall."wait, lecture will start soon,where are you going?' I questioned.' I have to meet Richard".She told me.
"Now, open your eyes. Happy birthday dear." Before her was a watch,a gold watch in fact. George bought it from a guy who claimed his brother sent to to him from Germany. He decided to get it for Sade since it looked new and he could afford it, it would be her birthday present. "Ohhh, thanks dear its really beautiful". Sade said as she wore the watch." But it looks exactly like Anne's watch. Where did u get it."yea I know, I thought maybe you would like it so I got it for u. I bought it @ a watch shop or something, I can show you the receipt if you want. George said. He didn't really have a receipt of the watch, he just didn't want her to start asking questions." No its OK, I believe you. Its really nice,I can't wait to show my friends". She giggled.
Its Saturday night and its almost time to go to Toyosi's party. I thought this was a good time to take out the dress Toyosi paid for at the boutique. She has earlier sent me the address of the party. Moonlight Hotel. Only the rich could afford it, I knew she either got the money from her parents or from Richard .Who cares, I just wanted to have fun. I wasn't gonna stay all night at the party, I just want Toyosi to know I attended.
As I got down from the taxi, I spotted George's car outside. "What are they doing here?" I muttered. The party was in full blast as I entered, everyone was having fun. I even saw Dayo and Lara. Toyosi probably invited them, I didn't want Dayo to see me so I dodged him. We haven't been in touch for a while. I was already searching for Toyosi when I saw her coming towards me. I waved so she could know I saw her. She came and quickly gave me a hug, I had to hold my nose. She reeked of alcohol. "Am so glad you could make it. She said. Me too" I replied. "Am looking for a friend of mine. He's name is George." "you're friends with George!"Toyosi said surprised. "Yea but not really. Do you know where I can find him" I asked. "Yea, he's over there. She answered. I thanked her and promised to see her later,then I moved to find Sade. "Hey" I said as I sat down beside them. Sade quickly turned and hugged me, we haven't seen each other since she moved in with George. "What are you doing here"?she asked."It's  Toyosi's party so she invited me. "Ohhh, look at what George gave me on my birthday". She held out her hand to check, it was a gold watch. It was really nice, and it looked exactly like mine! I didn't want her to think it wasn't nice so I told her it was really beautiful. "Take a look at it, it really looks like that watch you had before" she took off the watch and gave me to examine. George excused himself and told us he would b back. I studied the watch and it looked exactly like my missing watch. I know the watch's been missing for months but I couldn't resist the urge to turn it around and check it out. At the back was written "Annie". Only my ex called me that,he had my name inscribed on the back of the watch the day he gave me. I was so shocked when I saw it, I shot an angry look at Sade and shouted"how could you?!" I had found my missing watch.

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