Violent Protests Already Underway At Trump 's Inauguration In D.C .

The protests in Washington D.C. have turned riotous as Trump prepares to be sworn-in as President of the United States.
Before the swearing-in ceremony has begun, some of the protests in the D.C. streets have turned violent. Live streams, such as the one below via The Guardian, recorded a sizable group of protestors wearing all black, some of them wearing ski masks, carrying out various acts of havoc, such as kicking over trash cans and breaking storefront windows. Police have responded by diffusing the crowds with pepper spray, using their batons, and making numerous arrests.
The aforementioned group was led by people carrying a large banner that read “Make Racists Afraid Again.” Their chants included “Fuck Donald Trump” and “Whose streets? Our streets.”
The below coverage is currently focused on the ceremony in front of the Capitol Building, but stay here for updates on the nearby protests.

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