STORY: Forgiven By Glowingscenes

Hello everyone! It's glowingscenes once again and here's a new story of mine. I do hope you enjoy but most importantly, be impacted by the story. Don't forget to spread the word as usual. Much love guys! xo
Then Peter came to Him and said, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?”
Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven”-Mathew 18:21-22
June 2010
Erin worked tirelessly at the task at hand, hoping she would be able to finish editing the 50 page file she had been given by her Boss’s P.A even though she was yet to type out the details of the meeting they had attended yesterday with one of the company’s sponsors. Sulola had sent it to her mail just this morning which was later than expected and she couldn’t complain due to her role in the office. It was only a month since she’d been employed as an intern in Otaiku Enterprises and she wasn’t ready to jeopardize the rest of months she had left. The stipend she was to get at the end of each month meant a lot, neither did she want to get a bad recommendation for a future job.
Apart from the fact that it was one of the top companies in Nigeria, it was also a reputable one that would boost her CV and her reputation. Besides, she needed a good report back in school that would boost her grades. Her grades were not something to write home about at the moment and the excuse of her mother passing away last year due to cancer wasn’t going to stand up for her when she was going to graduate next year. It was only by the grace of God she had gotten the job. Her father’s job as a civil worker was modest enough to carry her through her program but he’d taken to drinking of late since their mother’s death and it affected his job. She just hoped they wouldn’t be relieving him from his duties pretty soon.
He was only 55.
“Look who’s here…” Chima, a fellow intern who worked opposite her jerked her back to the present and she refocused on the task at hand as she couldn’t afford to make mistakes.
“Don’t you have work to do than disturb?” She tried to tease him but the strain in her voice hindered her from achieving her aim. Her stomach growled in affirmation of why she was probably tensed and had a nagging headache lingering right in front of her head. It was enough to remind her of how she woke up early each day to take the BRT that was destined for Victoria Island.
“When it comes to goals, Mr Otaiku is one man I doff my hat for anyday anytime.” She looked up to see nothing but admiration in Chima’s eyes.
She turned to take a glance at her colleague’s idol and she had to admit he was right. She’d only seen the man on a few occasions and he obviously didn’t know someone like her existed as he had pretty much going on in his world. He looked so young she wondered when he established a company that had made a name for itself. He had affiliations with the likes of Dangote and Adenuga and she couldn’t help but admire him at that moment. She was sure the ladies had eyes for him too. He reeked of wealth even though he’d worn only a plain white shirt with the Ralph Lauren logo on and a pair of chinos and loafers. There was a tiny part of her heart that wondered what it would be like to be married to a man like that, to have people stare at her like way.
“See how you’ve joined the gang of staring ladies…”
She blinked and turned back to the computer screen embarrassed that she’d been caught but glad that her thoughts were only within the confines of her heart.
“I wasn’t staring…”
“Yes, you were. You know he’s married right?”
Her throat went dry. Had she been lusting after a married man? That had completely skipped her mind as she watched him and admired his physique and features. His nicely cropped hair and matted beard, his smile as Sulola spoke with him as they both headed to the office. All she had seen was male, nothing else.
“I’m only 23…” and not attractive enough to stop a man’s attention. She was a five foot 4 with features that she termed ordinary. Brown eyes, relaxed hair and chipped nail polish that she often forgot to rub off. She battled with acne a few times and they were beginning to show her mercy recently as she wasn’t fortunate to splurge on beauty products. She was also watching her weight though she was currently weighing 65kg and her plump features were not so bad that it deflated her ego. She believed she was doing great and aimed for 60kg. But right now, with her poor diet and the way she rushed out of the house and left the office late each day, she believed she would be spiraling down 60 or less than pretty soon.
“And he’s only 41.” Chima winked mischievously and she rolled her eyes, disgusted at his suggestion.
“Face your work Chima and leave me alone. If you want to marry the man, go ahead.”
Her colleague seemed offended at her statement and took the cue to leave her alone. He should learn to mind his business and keep his tongue in check when he talked to her about things like that. She wasn’t one of those women that went after married men, neither was she ready to get married. She still had a lot to think of, like her younger sister, her father and most importantly herself.
Tahir Otaiku ran a hand on his head a few minutes after he hung up the call. He was happy that some of their investors from South Africa, China and France had confirmed they would be coming over in about four weeks’ time and he had to start making arrangements and hotel bookings. Good luck had been abundant upon his life ever since he began the philanthropy organization and he couldn’t have wished for a better dream. His P.A had kept him up to date with other events that were coming up this week and with MediaConsult who were eager to promote the upcoming brand name. His name was becoming a household name and he couldn’t help but bask in the fame.
His joy was short-lived the moment his eyes settled on the beautiful woman staring back at him in the picture frame on the table. She looked young and happy no doubt, but the happiness on her face was masked by the battle they fought every night he got home and was reminded of the situation that threatened their marriage. He loved her, was crazy about her the way he’d been when he first set his eyes on her 9 years ago. He’d attended an event hosted by her father in celebration of his life at 50 and ever since he was unable to take his eyes off her. A woman of high societal status, her wealth wasn’t the only thing speaking for her. Her brain and curves did and she was just like her name. Oyindamola. Honey mixed with wealth.
He’d never trade anyone for her.
But time seemed to be running out on them both and he was reminded of this by both parents. Their anniversary was in one weeks’ time. He’d always been the romantic one and he had made plans for them both already. He knew she was used to it, but it was one reason why their marriage was still together. He was the spontaneous one and she loved the spontaneity. He just wished things were better and she had what she wanted. He only thought of it because he needed someone to carry his name to the next generation, someone only Oyinda could give. It was the reason why they were not looking into adoption.
Perhaps, God would shine his face on them someday and send them the children they so desired. His wife had visited churches enough and had gone through a lot. He only wished it was easier than it seemed.
A call came through bringing his mind back to the present. There were many things to do rather than sit down and brood about a child. Right now, it was time to rule the world.

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