STORY: Forgiven (Part 2) By Glowingscenes

Chapter 2
Erin stared at the woman unable to comprehend what just happened and what the woman was saying. She didn’t know when the tears pricked. What she’d been running to avoid had come hitting her in the face and right now, she wasn’t aware what was going to happen. All she could ascertain was Miss Sulola disliked every inch of her and was ready to make the number of months she had here miserable.
“When you’re done, bring it into my office. I have many more important things to attend to than an IT student.” The woman turned to leave.
“Women…their own worst enemies.” Chima snorted giving her a sympathetic smile. “She’s probably on her period.”
Erin settled back into the chair and worked on sending the document to the printer. Right now, the thought of receiving a query letter frightened her.
Oh God this is not good at all.
Her mind brainstormed what she could do, anything she could think of. Could she beg her? The thought made her cringe. She loathed the lady but right now, her referral, grades and school report were dependent on this and even if she needed to beg the woman, she would.
She went to retrieve the documents from the printer and found her way to the main office which was adjacent to Mr Otaiku’s office, praying on the way and hoping her begging wouldn’t make things worse. What if she insisted that she had to leave? That would be so embarrassing. She surreptiously scanned the cubicles where people were occupied with several things and inhaled deeply.
I have to do this.
“Oh yea, I have to work tonight. My Boss is a workaholic y’know and I need to keep up with him if I want to keep my job…” She knocked on the sliding door made of glass and pushed gently when she heard “Yea?”
She placed the documents on her table and bent low once again. The lady gestured with her newly manicured nails with her earpiece on while she continued typing into her screen. She stood waiting for her to acknowledge her but she didn’t.
When she finally looked up, she raised an eyebrow as if to ask, “What?”
“I would like to—“
“Sweetheart, can I talk to you later? Yea, take care. Bye.”
“Yea?” Her brows went up again but this time in irritation. “This had better be good young lady.”
“I’m here to apologise to you ma.” She bent again. “Please ma, it won’t repeat itself.”
“Please leave my office.” She snapped rolling her eyes. “What do you want people to think?”
“Ma, please. It wasn’t intentional…” A tear slipped and another. She went on her knees when she saw the woman wasn’t moved. “Please, I ask that you just give me another chance, I have never been late. You can ask Chima. I would never—“
“Sue, do you mind calling…” Mr Otaiku stopped the moment he saw what was going on and pulled the door wider to have a good understanding of things.
“What’s going on here?” He glanced from his P.A to Erin. “Who is this young lady and why is she crying and kneeling in my office?”
“Nothing sir, the young woman was just taking her leave.” She gave her the eye and Erin was torn between begging her main boss and ignoring his P.A
There was really nothing to loose and she risked it.
“I came late. I-it wasn’t intentional sir. My mum passed away a few weeks ago and I’m left to look after my Dad and little sister. I have never been late before. I swear to God…”
“Who is she?” He cut in obviously not interested in her story and her heart raced. Had she gotten herself into more trouble.
“She’s the IT student we took into our organization last month sir.”
“And did you fire her?”
Sulola’s eyes widened. “At all sir. I would never do that. It’s not in my hands to do that. I just said I would give her a query letter and she was here being a drama queen.”

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